Value Investing teaches you to spot undervalued assets, buy them low and sell them high. Value Investing requires you to find an opportunity, then do the necessary research such as Fundamental Analysis and understanding the stock's business. After that, you buy the shares and stay patient, not allowing yourself to be affected by the ups and downs of the market.
However, in our internet age, the ease of buying and selling shares through brokerages and betting on sports online websites, makes us ignore the importance of doing research and having patience.
Many become Day Traders or people who buy and sell shares within a single day. They buy at any opportunity and sell at every small profit. For soccer bettors, we are 100% confident that more than once, you have clicked on any random game that you have no idea about, and say "its 50/50 anyway, just go for it".
Professional traders do not do day trading as its proven not to be profitable. Similarly if you are betting to win, you should never engage in such behavior. Use analytical tools and stay patient. A football season is 9 months. Invest to win on the long run.
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